Thursday, April 15, 2010

Gingered Quinoa Salad (or Cous Cous)

I sent my other half to the grocery store to get quinoa and it didn't work out so much. He couldn't find it so I had him just grab plain cous cous. Works either way. Both YUMMY and healthy. The quinoa I believe is a little healthier. No biggie.

If you use quinoa then boil 1 1/3 cup water and then add 2/3 quinoa. (It's like a rice type food. A little ball just like cous cous.)Cook covered 12 minutes and then remove from heat and last stand 15 minutes. Then fluff and add the following:

- 1/2 cup chopped up grapefruit. Gets messy. Just cut up into pcs. No peel. The juice from cutting can go into the quinoa/cous cous.
- 1/4 cup chopped up green onions. Cut them kinda smaller so you are not chomping on big onion pcs.
- 3 tbls Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing. A must have in your fridge!
- 1/2 tsp grated ginger. Or ground. Whicever. Member when I said ginger is used often in my house!?

Mix it all up. Supper yummy. Throw some raisins on top if you are a raisin fan.

150 calories and a perfect little side...especially in the upcoming summer months.

Goes great with the lemon crusted halibut!

*** If you buy cous cous instead just follow the directions for cooking it on the box. It generally takes under five minutes to cook that so it's a ton faster. Get plain though if you are adding the ingredients above!

Glazed Hereb Carrots.

If you like carrots then you'll like these.

-16 oz bag of baby carrots (produce section)
- 1 tbls dark brown sugar
- 1/4 cup broth (I use veggie but you can use chicken broth)
- 2 tbls light butter. I use my butter spray so its liquid and easily mixed in.
- 1/4 tsp ground ginger (Another great spice investment I use A LOT.)

1. Pour the carrots and broth into a 10 inch skillet and bring to boil over high heat.
2. After its boiling cover and cook for 8 minutes reducing heat to med-high. (Carrots need to be tender)
3. Add your brown sugar, ginger and butter. Cook another 2-3 minutes. Done!

90 calories.

Halibut with Lemon Herb Crust.

OK. I'm SOOOO gonna toot my own horn here. By far one of the best meals I've EVER made.

Once again. We know me and the 'fishy' taste. Not fishy at all. So scrumptious I wanted more!

- 3/4 cup whole wheat bread crumbs.
- 2 tbls grated parmesan cheese. I just get the bag where all the cheeses hang.
- 1 tbls lemon peel grated. I just hold the grater over a bowl and take a lemon to it. Generally the entire lemon skin grated equals about 1 tbls. Keep the lemon for later use or cut it up and put it in your disposal for a clean smelling garbage disposal. Maybe the plummber wouldn't say don't call me if it breaks. But I always do it. :o)
- 2 tbls light mayo
- 1/2 tsp dried tarragon leaves. Don't skip this. You can get a little container from the spice section...not expensive and I promise you will want to make this again!!
- 4 (or however many) Halibut fillets. I'm sure this recipe would be great with any white fish but trust me try the Halibut. BOMB DIGGITY!
- 2 tbls lemon juice. I have a container I keep in my fridge. I use it for lots of things. Or member that lemon you had..................?? This is optional though. I've forgotten it once. Still amazing.

1.Set oven at 425.
2.Mix the mayo and tarragon leaves in a bowl.
3.Bread crumbs, cheese, lemon peel in another bowl.
4.Put your halibut on a baking sheet (cookie sheet) and don't use oil or pam or anything.
5. Spread mayo mixture on halibut and then press the bread crumb mixture on.
6. Bake 10 minutes.


I made it with glazed herbed carrots and gingered cous cous salad. All a perfect trio!

Grilled Salmon with Citurs Salsa

This meal is healthy and quick and did I mention super de-lish?!

I love fish. But I hate ANYTHING that has a strong fishy taste. I'm super picky about the fish I cook and eat so if you are not sure just trust me. If I eat it - it is not 'fishy'. Salmon is one type of fish I will not eat anywhere. I will not order it EVER. I have to cook it at home myself. Places usually cook it with a lot of oil when really none is necessary b/c it has a lot of oil already. Anyways....moving forward.

I got two beautiful pcs of salmon at the Ralphs on Ventura and Topanga. My new preference when I'm in that area. The Ralphs on Sherman Way and the one on Victory do not have a great seafood collection. Albertons on Victory is where I will usually go but this Ralphs on Ventura is actually really nice and has a very big seafood selection.

Anyways. The salmon seriously cooks in under ten minutes. So I'd cut up the salsa stuff first. Don't want to overcook the salmon.

-2 Naval Oranges
-2 Medium Tomatos
- 2/3 cup slided up green onions (the long green things with the white balls at the end)
- 1/4 cup cilantro. (I'm really glad I added this b/c it adds a lot of flavor)
- However many pcs of salmon you want to make. The salsa works for 4 pcs. I always cook 2 though since it's just me and the man.
-Spray butter. Regular butter is fine but the spray is easy. Esp if you cook a lot.

Yes that's it.

Cut up the oranges, tomatoes and green onions. (No peel for the oranges). Pour it with the cilantro in a bowl and set aside.

Spray a couple sprays of butter on the salmon fillets and cook over medium heat in a skillet (no need to use oil or pam or anything like that) for about 10 minutes total. Only flip it once. So about 5 min each side.

Pour your salsa on top and wa la! So YUMMY!. And like I said you are not adding any oils or sauces so it's super healthy. The salsa is juicy enough with the juices from the oranges and tomatoes. Literally has about 250 calories total.

The sides I did were roasted cauliflower and broccoli along with cous cous.

The pic has lots of salsa b/c I poured extra on with having just two pcs of fish.